Haworthia nortieri var. nortieri G.G.Smith
说明:这个特殊的品种,是因为它的花瓣表面有黄色条纹,一直延伸到花管的内侧(喉部),所以称为“黄花瓦苇”。图上这个植物非常象水晶瓦苇(H.cooperi v.gracilis),但是他的花呈现本种特征。这个植物在秋季刚换盆,在强烈光照下叶子呈现红色,而且十分矮壮,是非常健康的株型。栽培上主要防止夏季高温下的潮湿,否则容易因水分过多腐烂。
查看这个种植物花的特征:它的黄花(see flowers)
Sources: Kunjei? (South Africa)
Data: (KA0353) The plant is a distinctive species,because of the flower, which is greyish-white and usually yellowish in tube. Plants usually have translucent spots on the leaves and small spines on margins and keel. The type collected in somewhere population is very difficult in cultivation